Sunday, 21 June 2015

20th and 21st June, Isle d’Re to Isle D’Aix and to Rochefort

We extracted ourselves from the jigsaw puzzle of St Martin before the lock closed at 10.00 and set off to go under the bridge, past La Rochelle to anchor off the tiny island of Isle D’Aix and wait for the evening tide up river to Rochefort. We were very pleased to be able to sail 13 miles up the river, before running out of wind just short of the lock into the old naval port of Rochefort.

The town is fascinating; it was createdon a grand scale in 1666 to be the Atlantic shipbuilding headquarters for the new French navy. The arsenal was used to construct over 200 ships before it closed in the 1920’s. The frigate L’Hormione, which was built in 1779, was rebuilt in recent years in the same dock, using traditional methods. Parts of the arsenal were rebuilt in the 1990’s, including the ropeworks and the naval museum.  Apparently the site of the town, so far up a river was chosen because it was hard for enemies (us?) to attack.

We were also able to visit another replica ship, Magellan’s Victoria which was visiting the town, the original was the first ship to circumnavigate the world in 1522, the replica followed suit in 1990’s.

The bridge to Ilse d'Re

Rope making museum at the Arsenal

fully sailing replica of the Victoria, visiting Rochefort.

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