Sunday, 9 October 2016

3rd Oct to 9th Oct, Our last weeks sailing 2016

With Cara Mara fully repaired we set off for the last leg of out trip of 2016, down the west coast to Cagliari.
no wind, sorry James

Light winds meant that we sailed with the cruising shute 2 days in a row. 

The whale tail rock, carved by nature

The beach at Villasiminus is probably the loveliest that we visited on Sardinia.
This year we have sailed (actually quite a lot of motoring) 1667 miles from Lisbon to Sardinia. Thanks to everyone who joined us on the way.

26th Sept to 3rd Oct, Life on land and we get moving again

We were lucky to have broken down in a very small port village with a good engineer. Pietro confirmed that we needed now parts for our water pump and ordered them. Now we just had to make the best of the next week, including a drive to Cagliari to take Sarah to the airport on Friday and pick up James on Saturday.
We rented 3 kayaks in Cala Gonone to paddle down the coast to beach and a show cave

The show cave is 1 km long and only accessible from the sea; we paddled in, though most visitors take tour boats. The full cave extends 20 km and joins with other cave systems inland

We stopped for a swim at this beach

it took us nearly 2 hours to walk to the gorge

when you get there you pay 5 euro's to scramble over boulders for a few hundred metres (the hard hats are optional)

But its worth it, the gorge is several hundred meters deep, but at its narrowest point, only 2 sisters wide.

The following day we followed the main road south, stopping at 3 of the impressive bronze and iron age settlements on route.

Cagliari is the major port on the south coast of the island and the place where we decided to leave Cara Mara for the winter. It was good to explore the town and look at the options for winter storage